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I myself don't recognize the word jazz. I just feel that I play John Coltrane.John Coltrane
During his remarkable career John Coltrane did no television interviews and only a handful for radio, but the sound was not good enough to use in our film. Happily, he had done many interviews with newspapers and magazines, so I was able to take his words and pepper them throughout the film to reveal what he was thinking and feeling at certain times in his life. I very much wanted John's "voice" represented in the film and my creative dreams came true when, my first choice, Denzel Washington, agreed to speak the words of John Coltrane for the film.John Scheinfeld

"…an elegantly crafted and illuminating portrait of a singular jazz legend. You could walk into this movie knowing nothing about John Coltrane and walk out an impassioned convert."
Owen GleibermanVARIETY
"And when 'Chasing Trane' serves up mesmerizing footage of Coltrane lost in the middle of a long solo, the film communicates something beyond words."
Noel MurrayLos Angeles Times
"Smartly shaped and vigorously told…a stellar cast of witnesses and commentators, who not only offer valuable insights into the subject's life and work, but also provide solid context concerning historical, racial and cultural currents."
Todd McCarthyFilm Journal