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Of all the documentaries that have been made about John, THIS is the one HE would have loved.Yoko Ono
I’ve always been a big Beatles fan. Their music had a tremendous impact on my life that continues to this day. So, the chance to make a film about a little-known story involving John Lennon was extremely exciting. Not just the central focus of the story – his political activities of the 1960s and 1970s – but also the critical events in his background that combined to shape the man and the musician. This was my first feature documentary. A lot was at stake professionally and personally, and then there was the question of Yoko Ono: would we be able to get the necessary approval, support and participation from this fierce protector of the John Lennon legacy?John Scheinfeld

"'The U.S. vs. John Lennon' would be a sobering film at any time, but it is particularly so right now. It is the story not only of one man being harassed, but of a democracy being undermined."
Adam CohenThe New York Times
"Lennon's spirit, like his music, shines through this movie like a beacon. Powerful stuff. "
Peter TraversRolling Stone
"The kind of film you simply have to talk about after you've seen it."
Martin Grovehollywoodreporter.com