We were just musicians, man. We just went to play some music for people and it turned into this huge political rat's nest.David Clayton Thomas
Documentary projects come to me in all sorts of ways, but this project came out of a lunch with Bobby Colomby. I was telling him what a huge fan I was of the band and literally asked him ‘What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears? You were one of the biggest bands in the world…and suddenly you weren’t.’ He launched into the story of this 1970 tour behind the Iron Curtain - that no one had really known about - and I'm thinking, “This would make a great documentary. But how do we visually tell this story?” Then Bobby says the magic words: ‘A documentary film crew accompanied us on that tour.’ The hunt for that footage began and the project was born.John Scheinfeld

“This is one of the best rock documentaries ever made.”
Bob LefsetzLefsetz Letter
“An engaging – and sometimes enraging – expose of chronic insularity.”
Anthony LaneThe New Yorker
“The best political thriller documentary of the year is about a rock band who peaked fifty years ago?”
Jason NewmanRolling Stone